Are you trapped in the binge-restrict cycle?

Your eating and weight is up & down, like a yo-yo?

Defeated, frustrated & helpless with what on earth to do about it?

I see you.

I hear you.

& you are not alone.

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I wasted too many years struggling with bingeing, emotional eating, fad dieting & loathing my body.

I was so fixated on being ‘healthy’, that I became incredibly unhealthy. I was food stressed & obsessed, I despised my body even at my smallest, I was binge eating a block of choc a day & I could not work out what on earth was wrong with me.

This time of my life felt extremely isolating, shameful, frustrating & exhausting.

No meal plan, gym challenge, amount of willpower & self-discipline or soup diets could fix me!

Which lead me to university, where I studied my Bachelor Degree in Food and Nutrition Science (BNutrSc.) I wanted to figure it all out, know precisely ‘what’ to eat, the secret tricks I must have been missing to ‘fix’ me.

Not even a 3 year uni degree & $30K debt was the answer!

I learnt that it wasn’t about ‘knowing’ it all. Repairing my relationship with food & creating healthy, sustainable behaviour change, required me to look inwards; understand myself & my patterns, before I could apply any kind of nutrition information. When I was able to shift my focus from restriction & shrinking my body, to how I was feeling & helpful, healthful behaviours, everything changed.

I learnt about diet culture; the unrealistic & unattainable expectations & pressures placed on vulnerable women to eat ‘perfectly’ in order to look ‘perfectly’.

I learnt about the $71+ billion dieting industry, that 98% of them fail, triggering rebound weight gain & binge eating and how they profit off women’s insecurities.

I learnt that the new, shiny, quick fix was the problem fuelling this relentless and vicious cycle of bingeing & restricting.

So now, I’m here to do nutrition differently & help people beat bingeing, feel back in control around food & never have to fall off the bandwagon again.

I support binge eaters & yo-yo dieters break free from the relentless cycle (where I once was), to establish a healthy & peaceful relationship with food; where food feels like no biggie, where healthful eating is enjoyable, easeful & sustainable!

Because that is exactly what you deserve & it is SO possible for you too, with the right support & approach!

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“Working with Darcie has been one of the best things I’ve ever done for my mental health. It’s so bloody refreshing not thinking about food 24/7. So much more space in my mind for the more important things in life. I wish I had done this years ago.”


“I initially wanted to help manage my weight, until Darcie helped me realise it wasn’t the weight that was the problem. It was my relationship with food and my mindset. I trust myself around food now, I don’t binge, I actually enjoy eating and I can never imagine dieting again.”


“You have helped me to gain confidence in so many aspects of my life and to look for the positive in every situation. Your empathy, caring nature and listening ear allowed me to open up about things I would never have admitted to anyone else … but you normalised all of these feelings … Your title is a nutritionist, but to me you have been so much more … psychologist, therapist & friend all rolled into one! … You are truly amazing at what you do. xx”


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